
A letter from Aldes China 爱迪士中国致员工的一封信来源:爱迪士

We are going through an unprecedented health crisis again.
In this context, the Aldes China places priority on the health and safety of its teams, in line with various government recommendations. As such, teleworking is the rule for the employees concerned.
In addition , a crisis unit has been active for several weeks to monitor developments on a daily basis.
To date, Mr. Étienne GENDREAU genuinely cares about the physical and mental health of every employee and actively takes action plans. However, as the situation can change quickly, our team will do our best.
到目前为止,爱迪士中国区董事总经理Étienne GENDREAU先生深切关心每位员工的身心健康并且积极开展应对措施。尽管疫情持续蔓延,别担心,爱迪士团队将竭尽所能。
Under the leadership of Mr. Étienne GENDREAU , Aldes China positive overcome and lunch online campaign -Share our daily special Challenge during the lockdown and offline-Food Care Package  .
在爱迪士中国区董事总经理Étienne GENDREAU先生带领下,大家积极面对并且开展线上分享我们在封控期特殊挑战的活动召集令活动和线下派发爱心物资大礼包活动。
After the lockdown period, Aldes China has the capacity to return to work because we already took several actions to prevent and that we will return very rapidly to a normal situation.
At Aldes China, we are convinced that solidarity, a sense of responsibility and kindness will help us go through this period. We will come out stronger together.
Take care of yourself and of your loved ones. 
Aldes China

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